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    Aerospace Corp.-Backed Team Wins Army AI Tool Design Competition

    The U.S. Army‘s Rapid Capabilities Office has selected a team from federally funded research and development center operator Aerospace Corp. as the winner of a competition that sought artificial intelligence and machine learning tools that could support electronic warfare missions. Platypus Aerospace won the $100K first-place award at the Army Signal Classification Challenge while TeamAU — a group […] More

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    Report: Air Force Eyes Increased Use of ‘Other Transaction Authority’ Contracts

    Maj. Gen. Sarah Zabel, U.S. Air Force director of information technology acquisition process development, has said the military branch is interested in using more “other transaction authority” contracts to speed up procurement especially in IT acquisitions, Federal News Radio reported Thursday. OTAs permit the Defense Department and military services to award contracts outside the traditional acquisition process, and […] More

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    Fifth Air Force Spaceplane Mission to Launch Aboard SpaceX Rocket

    The U.S. Air Force has entered final launch preparations for the fifth mission of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle ahead of its scheduled Sept. 7 deployment aboard SpaceX‘s Falcon 9 rocket. The service branch said Thursday the Boeing-built X-37B OTV spaceplane will carry ride-sharing small satellites and perform on-orbit tests of new space technologies. X-37B will also demonstrate experimental electronics and oscillating heat pipe […] More