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    Quentin Clark Joins SAP as CTO; Bernd Leukert Comments

    Quentin Clark, formerly corporate vice president of Microsoft’s data platform group, has joined SAP SE as chief technology officer. He will report to Bernd Leukert, executive board member of SAP products and innovation, and be responsible for the company’s effort to shape its technology brand, SAP said Thursday. “I am very pleased to have Quentin join SAP,” said Leukert. […] More

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    Quentin Clark: Microsoft Aims to Apply Machine Learning for Engineering

    Microsoft has developed three new analytics platforms for organizations to capture and manage large amounts of machine- and human-generated data, Silicon Angle reported Monday. Saroj Kar writes that Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella introduced the Azure Intelligent Systems Service, SQL Server 2014 and Analytics Platform System products last week at a customer event in San Francisco. […] More