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    Microsoft Azure Govt Cloud Gets FedRAMP High ATO From VA

    The Department of Veterans Affairs has granted authority-to-operate certification to Microsoft‘s Azure Government cloud platform through the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program. Microsoft said Wednesday the FedRAMP High ATO designation confirms that Azure meets security standards needed to handle sensitive VA workloads such personally identifiable information and protected health information. The company also received FedRAMP approval in February to add 12 customer-facing services in Azure Government’s provisional ATO. […] More

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    Carpathia: Healthcare Providers Must Have ‘Continuous Diligence’ in Compliance

    Carpathia has outlined common mistakes it believes healthcare providers make when they want ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations on protected health information as they explore technology trends like cloud computing and dynamic data infrastructure. In a blog entry posted Wednesday, the cloud and managed hosting services company indicated that healthcare providers could face large fines and other sanctions without “continuous diligence” in […] More