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    IARPA to Brief Proposers on Distributed App Security Project

    The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity will hold a conference on July 26 to provide information on a new agency program that aims to help developers and architects use cryptographic techniques to build distributed applications. IARPA said the conference will take place in Washington and will field inquiries from potential vendors on the Homomorphic Encryption Computing […] More

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    Red Hat’s Jim Tyrell: Public Sector Continues Utilization of Java Programming Language

    Jim Tyrell, a principal architect of JBoss solutions at Red Hat‘s public sector business, has said he observed many government agencies have purchased and implemented the Java programming language in their information technology systems. Tyrell wrote in an opinion piece published Wednesday on GCN that Java is designed to run on multiple IT systems and has driven the expansion of […] More

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    Avi Pfeffer: Charles River Builds Open-Source Programming Language

    Intelligent systems developer Charles River Analytics has introduced an open-source programming language for developers to create probabilistic models and reasoning algorithms. Figaro 2.0 was developed through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Probabilistic and Relational Inferences in Dynamic Environments program and is designed to derive conclusions from available evidence, Charles River said Monday. Avi Pfeffer, […] More