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    PreTalen to Help USAF Further Develop Comms System Analysis Tool

    PreTalen will continue to develop an automated platform for analyzing wireless communication systems under a $23.9 million contract from the U.S. Air Force. The company aims to incorporate a signals-based test framework into the Position Navigation and Time Autonomous Negotiator Applying Cognitive Effects-Based Analysis system, or PANACEA, the service branch said Thursday. USAF expects PreTalen to finish the project March 30, 2023. PANACEA […] More

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    PreTalen to Help USAF Automate Wireless Comms System Analysis Under SBIR Phase III Contract

    PreTalen has received a $23.9 million U.S. Air Force contract to develop an automated platform to analyze wireless communications systems under the third phase of the service branch’s Small Business Innovation Research III program. The company will aim to update the features of a Position Navigation and Time Autonomous Negotiator Applying Cognitive Effects-Based Analysis system developed through an […] More