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    Philip Rizzi Appointed Managing Director at Wolf Den Associates

    Philip Rizzi, formerly chief operating officer at ARServices, has joined Wolf Den Associates as managing director responsible for supporting its customers’ growth efforts. He announced via a LinkedIn posting his new post at the Virginia-based business management consultant, where he will assist federal government agencies and contractors in identifying, preparing for and securing opportunities. At […] More

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    SRA, Calibre Vet Philip Rizzi Joins ARServices in EVP Role

    Philip Rizzi, formerly a vice president at Calibre Systems, has joined ARServices as an executive VP and he will be responsible for service delivery across three business lines at the Alexandria, Va.-based contractor. ARServices said Monday Rizzi will oversee the company’s research and development, business transformation and integrated logistics services. He brings three decades of strategic planning, policy and […] More

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    Philip Rizzi Appointed CALIBRE Systems Energy, Environment, Infrastructure VP

    Philip Rizzi, formerly a vice president at SRA International, has joined CALIBRE Systems as vice president of energy, environment and infrastructure. He will be responsible for the company’s business development and service delivery work in areas such as energy management, environmental compliance and cleanup, federal property disposal and infrastructure condition assessment, CALIBRE announced Monday. The 25-year […] More