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    Pentagon Adviser Howard Meyer: Laser Weapons Tech Programs Ready to Accelerate

    Pentagon science adviser Howard Meyer has suggested conditions are ripe for the emergence of directed energy weapons as the military is lowering expectations for laser technology and the likelihood of an attack is increasing, Breaking Defense reported Monday. Sydney Freedberg writes Mayer expressed confidence that the Defense Department’s laser weapons system programs will take off by […] More

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    Pentagon Adopts Zero-Tolerance Policy for Fake Electronic Parts

    The Pentagon has imposed new standards on the traceability of electronic parts in all defense contracts in order to avoid fake components from getting into military systems, the Washington Business Journal reported Tuesday. Jill Aitoro writes the Defense Department’s final rule, published in the Federal Register, requires companies to adopt a counterfeit detection and avoidance […] More

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    Robert Lentz Joins Apigee’s Advisory Board

    Robert Lentz, formerly the Pentagon’s chief information assurance officer, has been elected to the advisory board at Apigee and will provide counsel on information technology strategies. His appointment is part of the company’s API platform strategy for the big data and mobile device markets, Apigee announced Wednesday. “Over the years, Apigee has taken many steps to ensure […] More