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    Iris Bombelyn: Lockheed MUOS-3 to Expand Navy Satellite Comms Coverage

    The U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin team has encased the latest Mobile User Objective System satellite within its payload fairing ahead of the scheduled Jan. 20 launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. Iris Bombelyn, vice president of narrowband communications at Lockheed, said Friday the MUOS-3 satellite will work to expand the coverage of the MUOS mobile satellite communications network. She […] More

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    NRO Defense Payload Sent to Space on ULA-Built Rocket; Jim Sponnick Comments

    United Launch Alliance helped the National Reconnaissance Office launch a classified national defense satellite aboard an ULA-built rocket on Friday. The company’s Atlas V Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle 541 lifted off Friday at 7:19 p.m Pacific Time from Space Launch Complex-3 in California to deliver the NROL-35 payload into orbit, the company said Saturday. The […] More

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    Northrop Hands Lockheed 4th Payload for AEHF Satellite

    Northrop Grumman has delivered the fourth protected military communications payload for the U.S. Air Force‘s Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite to prime contractor Lockheed Martin ahead of its integration with the AEHF payload module. Northrop said Monday it will perform payload integration while Lockheed works on satellite bus unit integration as part of a hybrid satellite integration and test approach. The […] More

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    Ball Aerospace Tech Demo Mission to Fly 3 DoD Payloads

    Ball Aerospace & Technologies and NASA will fly a set of experimental Defense Department scientific payloads on the planned Green Propellant Infusion Mission for 2016 under a $3.4 million payload integration contract. The company said Wednesday the DoD Space Experiments Review Board selected the Integrated Miniaturized Electrostatic Analyzer Reflight, Small Wind and Temperature Spectrometer and Space Object Self-tracker payloads to be part of the GPIM […] More

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    Louie Lombrardo: Lockheed, Northrop Eye 2016 to Finish SBIRS Satellite 4

    The Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman team has delivered to the U.S. Air Force the payload for the next geosynchronous Earth orbit satellite of the Space Based Infrared System. SBIRS’ prime contractor Lockheed said Wednesday that the payload is fitted with a scanning sensor to perform wide-area surveillance of missile launch operations and a staring sensor to focus on smaller areas […] More

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    Northrop to Kick Off Construction Work on Maryland Space Assembly, Test Facility

    Northrop Grumman will start construction work this month on a $20 million, 25,000-square-foot facility in Linthicum, Maryland to carry out space payload integration programs and focus on space systems assembly, integration and testing. The facility is scheduled to begin building this month and finish by summer 2015, Northrop said Tuesday. Sen. Ben Cardin, Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger and Rep. John Sarbanes will […] More

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    GE Aviation Unveils Open Architecture Computing Platforms; Alan Caslavka Comments

    General Electric Aviation has introduced new computing platforms for military and commercial aviation customers, the company said Tuesday. The platforms are designed with an open system, which means customers can ostensibly plug-in a number of different aviation computing applications on the same platform. “In new aircraft development programs, we’ve seen over time that the cost […] More

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    Exelis Tests Air Force GPS III Transmitter Assemblies; Mark Pisani Comments

    Exelis has demonstrated six transmitter assemblies that are built to function as payload components for the U.S. Air Force’s first set of GPS satellites. The transmitters were tested in a simulated space environment for random vibration, pyroshock and thermal vacuum to qualify for the GPS III’s mission requirements, Exelis said Tuesday. McLean, Va.-based Exelis built the […] More

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    Bill Gattle: Harris to Enter Production Phase of Aircraft Tracking System

    Harris Corp. has completed the simulated operation testing phase on the company’s satellite-based aircraft tracking system. The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast 1090 Extended Squitter receiver payload passed the duration and performance testing in harsh conditions to qualify for more than 12 years of usage, Harris said Monday. Bill Gattle, vice president and general manager of national […] More

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    Exelis Delivers Image Payload for U.S. Weather Satellite; Eric Webster Comments

    Exelis has delivered the first of four meteorological payloads for a future U.S. weather satellite of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, moving the program forward toward the planned satellite launch in 2016, Exelis said Tuesday Eric Webster, Exelis Geospatial Systems vice president for weather systems, said, “Delivery . . . is an important milestone because it […] More