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    Top Acquisition, Procurement Officials Prioritize Workforce Wellness in ‘Stressful’ Era

    In efforts to move toward a post-pandemic world, leading acquisition officials in the U.S. government have more on their minds than just dollars and cents. Even the technologies that they are attempting to acquire sometimes take a backseat to prioritizing the livelihood and strength of their workforce. Mark Borkowski “You’re probably expecting me to talk […] More

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    Australian Finance Dept Seeks Proposals for Telecoms Services Panel

    Australia’s finance department has issued a request for proposals to establish a panel of telecommunications service providers in November that would provide transport data link services, managed wide-area network and Internet connection services to government agencies, ZDNet reported Monday. Corinne Reichert writes the proposed TSP would replace Australia’s Internet based network connection services committee and […] More

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    Mark DeWitt to Speak at American Bar Association Panel Event

    Mark DeWitt, Triple Canopy deputy general counsel and vice president, will participate in a panel discussion on overseas contractor accountability work at an American Bar Association event. The program will be hosted by the ABA Section of Public Contract Law’s Battle Space and Contingency Procurements Committee on Feb. 18 in Washington, Triple Canopy announced Friday. Discussion […] More