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    General Dynamics, Navy to Christen 17th Virginia-Class Nuclear Submarine

    General Dynamics‘ Electric Boat subsidiary will host a christening event for the U.S. Navy’s future nuclear-powered attack submarine USS South Dakota on Saturday at a company shipyard in Groton, Connecticut. South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard will be a principal speaker at the ceremony and Deanie Dempsey, wife of former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey, will […] More

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    General Dynamics, Navy to Christen Virginia-Class Nuclear Attack Submarine

    General Dynamics‘ Electric Boat subsidiary will host a christening ceremony at its shipyard Saturday for the U.S. Navy‘s 15th Virginia-class nuclear attack submarine. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus will be a principal speaker at the event and his daughter Annie Mabus will serve as the sponsor of USS Colorado, the company said Thursday. Virginia-class submarines are designed to provide international multi-dimensional […] More