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    Georgia Tech Inducts Northrop VP Chris Jones Into Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni

    The Georgia Institute of Technology has inducted Christopher Jones, corporate vice president and president of technical services at Northrop Grumman, into the Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni for his achievements in the field of engineering. Jones accepted the award from Dr. Gary S. May, Georgia Tech’s dean of college of engineering and electrical and computer […] More

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    Northrop to Maintain UK Forensic, Biometric Software; Andrew Tyler Comments

    Northrop Grumman Corp. has been selected to maintain and operate forensic and biometric software used by the U.K.’s Home Office under a two-year, $45.1 million re-compete contract award. The Forensic and Biometric Interim Capability software is part of the U.K.’s national infrastructure for policing, Northrop said Tuesday. Andrew Tyler, Northrop’s chief executive for Europe, said the […] More

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    Report: Northrop, Selex Partner to Offer Fighter IR Sensor Tech in US Market

    Finmeccanica‘s Selex subsidiary has partnered with Northrop Grumman to market a Selex-designed infrared search and track sensor technology to defense customers in the U.S., Defense News reported Monday. Tom Kington writes a Northrop spokesperson told Defense News the company will provide details of the planned offering this month. Selex won contracts to built IRST systems […] More

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    Wes Bush: Northrop Makes Virginia Tech Contribution With C4ISR, Unmanned Focus

    Northrop Grumman has agreed to invest $750,000 in Virginia Tech’s scholarship and faculty fellowship programs. The donation will go toward the university’s senior faculty fellowship in advanced intelligence systems and scholarship program in military leadership for the students of Corps of Cadets and College of Engineering, Virginia Tech said Thursday. “We expect that this initiative will contribute […] More

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    Northrop to Test USAF Hardware, Software for Nuclear Safety Compliance

    Northrop Grumman will perform independent testing and evaluation of software and hardware for Minuteman III nuclear safety under a $99.1 million contract from the U.S. Air Force. The Defense Department said Thursday the contract covers nuclear safety cross-check analysis, performance analysis, technical evaluation and independent validation and verification. The tests will aim to ensure that the software […] More

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    Northrop Launches AESA Radar for US Air Force B-1B Bombers; Paul Kalafos Comments

    Northrop Grumman has launched an active electronically scanned array radar it built for the B-1B Lancer bomber of the U.S. Air Force under the Radar Modernization Improvement Program. The company said Wednesday it designed the Scalable Agile Beam Radar – Global Strike AESA system to generate digital maps and advanced images to support B-1B bombers’ […] More

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    Northrop’s Global Hawk UAS Receives Milestone C Approval

    Northrop Grumman has received Milestone C approval for the RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft system it built for the U.S. Air Force. The approval from the Milestone Decision Authority is part of the Defense Department‘s acquisition process and paves the way for the Global Hawk to move into the production phase, the company said Tuesday. “The most important date in any […] More

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    Northrop VP Christopher Jones Elected AIAA Associate Fellow

    Christopher Jones, corporate vice president and president of technical services at  Northrop Grumman, has been elected as an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIAA said Tuesday Jones and 146 other professionals were cited for their work in the engineering and science of aeronautics and astronautics. Jones holds positions on several boards of directors, including the Air Force […] More

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    Executive Profile: Thomas Verbeck, CTO & VP for Business Development at NCR

    Thomas Verbeck is the chief technology officer and vice president for strategy and business development at NCR Corp.‘s government solutions unit. He oversees NCR’s technology development, strategic planning and customer relations with government clients worldwide and is also the founder and CEO of TJV. He previously served as the information technology and cyber team leader at The […] More

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    David Harrold: BAE Systems Eyes New Markets for APKWS After Australian Army Demo

    BAE Systems is looking to secure a potential contract with the U.S. Army to equip the service’s fleet of Boeing‘s AH-64 Apache helicopters with the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System, USNI News reported Monday. David Harrold, director of precision guidance solutions at BAE Systems, told the publication that a business opportunity could arise following live-fire flight tests on APKWS using […] More

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    Lockheed Subcontracts Northrop for Space IR Satellite Navigation System

    Northrop Grumman will build a space inertial reference system for the U.S. Air Force‘s sixth Space Based Infrared System satellite under a subcontract with Lockheed Martin, the SBIRS program’s prime contractor. The space inertial reference unit will also work to perform sensor stabilization and attitude control functions on the geosynchronous Earth orbit space vehicle, Northrop said […] More