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    Lockheed Hands Over 5th MUOS Satellite to Navy

    The U.S. Navy has assumed full operational control of the fifth Lockheed Martin-built Mobile User Objective System satellite. Lockheed said Thursday the Naval Satellite Operations Center took control of MUOS-5 on Oct. 11 following the satellite’s on-orbit test and the delivery of equipment needed for satellite operations. The MUOS constellation of five satellites is designed to deliver ultra-high frequency satellite […] More

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    PAR Technology Subsidiary Extends US Navy Satellite Work; Ron Casciano Comments

    The U.S. Navy has extended its contract with a PAR Technology subsidiary to operate and maintain the service’s satellite for another year. Rome Research Corp. will deliver telemetry, tracking and satellite control services for FLTSAT, UFO, POLAR EHF and MUOS satellite constellations, PAR said Wednesday. The company will perform work at the Mugu, California-based Naval […] More