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    Executive Profile: Chris Braccio, HR VP at American Systems

    Chris Braccio serves as vice president for human resources at American Systems, with responsibility for the alignment of human talent with the company’s overall strategy. Braccio oversees American Systems’ talent management, compensation, benefits, HR information systems, community affairs and charitable programs. She also serves on American Systems’ ethics and employee stock ownership plan employee education committees. The 25-year […] More

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    Executive Profile: John Lubratich, ViON VP and CFO

    John Lubratich serves as vice president and chief financial officer at ViON Corp., where he is responsible for financial accounting and reporting, controls, procurement, human relations, facilities and logistics. Prior to ViON, Lubratich worked at Hitachi Data Systems and spent the last seven years there as VP of finance and shared services for the Americas region. He has held a variety […] More