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    Intel Stages Concluding Event for NASA AI Research Program

    Intel has hosted a concluding event for a two-month study that focused on dealing with challenges in space science and exploration missions using artificial intelligence. The technology company said Thursday the NASA Frontier Development Lab Event Horizon 2018: AI+Space Challenge Review Event wrapped up FDL’s research program, which involved adopting AI to predict solar activity, […] More

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    Lockheed Sponsors New NASA Educational Attraction at Kennedy Space Center

    Lockheed Martin is sponsoring a new astronaut-themed attraction made to educate students on the training needed to explore space. Located at NASA‘s Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, the Astronaut Training Experience attraction features technology-enabled, hands-on activities that simulate an astronaut’s training for a Mars mission, the center said Thursday. The attraction also features a second program, […] More

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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Test-Fires Engine for NASA SLS Rocket

    Aerojet Rocketdyne has conducted a hot-fire test of an engine technology the company built for NASA’s Space Launch System rocket. The company said Tuesday it performed the RS-25 engine test at the agency’s Stennis Space Center in Mississippi and assessed the performance of the main combustion chamber during the 319-second engine fire test attended by NASA Administrator […] More

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    Walsh to Build NASA Glenn Research Support Facility

    Walsh Construction Company II has received a potential two-year, $32.7 million contract to build a research support building at NASA‘s Glenn Research Center. The company will construct a two-story, 64,000-square-foot facility designed to accommodate up to 164 employees and feature open offices, private offices, conference and engineering rooms, engineering rooms and dining areas, NASA said […] More

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    Engility Completes Validation Work of NASA Solar Probe Program

    Engility completed independent verification and validation support work for a NASA spacecraft that launched on Sunday to study the sun’s unexplored portions. The company said Monday it evaluated the Parker Solar Probe‘s operation software to confirm the spacecraft’s capacity to perform as intended and work under austere conditions when close to the sun. Engility also […] More

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    ULA’s Delta V Heavy Rocket Launches NASA Solar Probe

    A solar probe that Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory designed and produced for NASA took off Sunday aboard United Launch Alliance’s Delta IV Heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The Parker Solar Probe will deploy its magnetometer boom and high-gain antenna in the mission’s first week and kick off in September […] More

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    Northrop Propulsion Tech Helps Lift Rocket, Solar Probe

    Northrop Grumman provided a propulsion system component that helped United Launch Alliance’s Delta IV Heavy rocket lift a new NASA spacecraft Sunday from Cape Canaveral in Florida into space. The third stage is built to carry the agency’s Parker Solar Probe in its intended orbit as part f a mission to study the effect of the sun’s changing conditions on […] More

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    SSL to Build Flight System Component for NASA’s Psyche Asteroid Mission; Richard White Comments

    Maxar Technologies’ SSL subsidiary has been tapped by Zin Technologies to develop and test a flight system designed for NASA’s Psyche mission that aims to explore a metal asteroid and help shed light on the Earth’s formation. The agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed the Psyche Compute Element that will work as the main computer onboard […] More

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    Ball Aerospace Helps NASA Review Astrophysics Observatory Design

    Ball Aerospace has helped NASA complete the preliminary design review of a space-based astrophysics observatory designed to measure cosmic X-ray polarization. NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center collaborated with Ball, the Italian space agency and other industry partners on the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer PDR effort at a facility in Boulder, Colo., the company said Wednesday. IXPE is scheduled for 2021 launch […] More

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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Ships Mars 2020 Rover Power Generator to DOE Lab

    Aerojet Rocketdyne and its partner Teledyne have delivered an electric generator system that would help power NASA’s Mars 2020 rover to an Energy Department facility. The Idaho National Laboratory will fuel, test and evaluate the flight readiness of the the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, Aerojet Rocketdyne said Tuesday. MMRTG is designed to convert plutonium-238 heat into electricity to power the […] More

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    NASA to Launch Northrop-Built Spacecraft for Ice Topography Measurement Mission

    NASA and United Launch Alliance are preparing to launch a Northrop Grumman-built spacecraft in mid-September on a mission to record the changing measurements of Earth’s glaciers, ice sheets and sea ice. The Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 is scheduled to lift off Sept. 15 at Vandenberg Air Force Base on the final launch of ULA’s Delta […] More

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    19 Small Businesses to Participate in NASA Research Program’s Second Phase

    Twenty research and technology proposals from 19 U.S. businesses are set to advance to the second phase of NASA‘s Small Business Technology Transfer program. The space agency said Wednesday the selected companies will collaborate with research organizations to help develop technologies for aeronautics, science, human exploration and operations and space. The proposals, worth a combined $15 million, […] More