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    Charles River Analytics-Led Team to Help DARPA Build Virtual Data Scientist Assistant

    Charles River Analytics will lead a team comprised of Win-Vector and Oregon State University to develop a virtual data scientist assistant that will help users answer real-world analytical questions under a four-year, $2.8 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The team will build the Eve virtual assistant through DARPA’s Data-Driven Discovery of Models program, Charles River said Tuesday. Mukesh Dalal, […] More

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    Mukesh Dalal Named a Principal Scientist at Charles River Analytics

    Mukesh Dalal, former chief scientist at BAE Systems‘ U.S. subsidiary, has joined Charles River Analytics as principal scientist of the decision management division at the Massachusetts-based defense and intelligence systems developer. Dalal’s research efforts focused on artificial intelligence, machine learning and reasoning, probabilistic modeling and optimization, decisionmaking and big data analytics, Charles River said Monday. He has obtained more than 10 patents and authored at […] More