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    UTC Subsidiary Tests Imaging Sensor Onboard Northrop’s Global Hawk

    A United Technologies Corp. subsidiary has concluded the initial test flight of its multi-spectral imaging sensor aboard the Northrop Grumman-built RQ-4B Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle. Kevin Raftery, vice president of ISR and space systems at UTC Aerospace Systems, said in a statement published Wednesday the first flight test sought to demonstrate the capability of the UTC […] More

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    UTC to Update MS-177 Imaging Sensor Tech; Kevin Raftery Comments

    A business unit of  United Technologies Corp. has received a contract from the U.S. Air Force to update the company’s MS-177 imaging sensor system in efforts to increase the technology’s resolution and coverage. UTC Aerospace Systems will design, build, manufacture and deliver updated MS-177A sensors for potential deployment by the Air Force in 2019, UTC said Monday. The service branch will determine eventual sensor […] More