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    Lockheed Opens MUOS Terminal Development, Certification Hub; Glenn Ladue Comments

    Lockheed Martin has opened a new development and certification facility for developers to test the Mobile User Objective System’s radio terminal applications. The 3,400-square-foot Test Radio Access Facility is located at Lockheed’s Sunnyvale, California-based campus, Lockheed said Friday. “Lockheed Martin’s goal with the TRAF is to help terminal developers and application integrators get MUOS’ capabilities deployed to the warfighter as quickly as possible,” […] More

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    Iris Bombelyn: Lockheed Moves Forward on 4th MUOS Satellite

    Lockheed Martin will perform the final testing phase on its fourth Mobile User Objective System satellite following the completion of the acoustic tests. That MUOS satellite will undergo thermal vacuum testing, as well as environmental and final system trials over the next few months before its scheduled launch in the summer of 2015, Lockheed Martin said […] More