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    Insitu ScanEagle UAS Monitors Pacific NW Wildfire for Demonstration

    Insitu has flown a ScanEagle unmanned aircraft in the Pacific Northwest region to monitor the Olympic National Park wildfire. Fire officials used Insitu’s motion imagery software to determine the fire’s perimeter and assess water drop locations as part of that demonstration, Insitu said Tuesday. “This and other planned unmanned aircraft systems demonstrations will serve to guide our policies, procedures and […] More

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    Insitu Releases 3-D Surveillance Imagery Modeling Tool; Jon Damush Comments

    Boeing‘s Insitu subsidiary has built a technology for military customers to produce three-dimensional models from aerial intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance imagery. Insitu said Friday it released the 3-D modeling tool as part of a software portfolio designed to extract and process full motion videos captured by airborne ISR platforms. Jon Damush, Insitu vice president and […] More