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    NASA’s Lunar Payload Delivery Support Contract Paves Way for Industry Partnerships

    Some industry executives have said that NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services program has provided companies an opportunity to advance their technology platforms and form partnerships with additional firms, SpaceNews reported Thursday. “Going back to the moon with commercial technology opens the floodgates,” said Grant Anderson, president, CEO and co-founder of Paragon Space Development, which teams […] More

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    NASA Continues Partnerships With 3 Firms to Develop Lunar Cargo Delivery Tech

    NASA has extended its partnership agreements with Astrobotic Technology, Masten Space Systems and Moon Express to further develop technologies designed to transport payload cargo to the moon’s surface. The space agency said Tuesday it amended the original Space Act Agreements between NASA and its three industry partners to extend the performance for work by two years. All three companies have supported […] More

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    Report: NASA to Solicit Proposals on Lunar Payload Transportation Systems

    Jason Crusan, director of advanced exploration systems at NASA, has told a House subcommittee the space agency plans to issue a request for proposals on commercial payload transportation systems for a lunar mission, Space News reported Thursday. Crusan said at the subcommittee hearing Thursday that NASA would issue the RFP after it completes evaluation of […] More

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    Moon Express Unveils Private Funding Program for Lunar Exploration Payloads

    Moon Express plans to invest $1.5 million in NASA-selected payloads that will fly to the moon in response to the space agency’s call for lunar instrument concepts that utilize  commercial mission services. The company said Tuesday it will allocate up to $500,000 for each instrument chosen by the agency to fly onboard Moon Express’ first three commercial lunar missions of opportunity […] More

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    Moon Express Obtains Federal Govt Approval for Robotic Lunar Exploration Mission

    Moon Express has obtained permission from the U.S. government to launch a company-built robotic spacecraft on a mission to explore the Moon’s surface. The company submitted its 2017 lunar mission plan to the Federal Aviation Administration in April and received authorization after discussions with FAA, the White House, NASA, the State Department and other federal agencies, Moon Express said Wednesday. “The Moon Express 2017 mission approval […] More