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    Research and Markets Report Sees Double-Digit CAGR for Mobile Satellite Services Market

    A new Research and Markets report foresees a $3.45-billion global mobile satellite services market growing into a $5.62 billion business in five years. The increase represents a 10.2 percent compound annual growth rate from 2014 to 2019, Research and Markets said Wednesday. The study identified emerging digital technologies and demands for an integrated satellite and terrestrial mobile technology service as […] More

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    Study: Mobile Satellite Services Market to Grow $5.62B by 2019

    A new report from Research and Markets forecasts the mobile satellite services market will reach $5.62 billion by 2019. The market research firm estimates the market to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.2 percent from 2014 to 2019, Research and Markets said Monday. “Satellites will continue to deliver efficient broadcast services on a global basis that […] More