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    Australia’s 1st Hobart-Class Air Warfare Destroyer Completes Initial At-Sea Tests

    A partnership between Australia’s defense department, shipbuilding company ASC and Raytheon‘s Australian subsidiary has completed phase one trials for the first of the country’s three Hobart-class destroyers, The Lead South Australia reported Monday. Caleb Radford writes the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance performed the HMAS Hobart  builder’s sea trials off the coast of South Australia to evaluate the ship’s hull, propulsion and navigation systems. AWD Alliance General Manager […] More

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    Lockheed Conducts Surface-Launched Anti-Ship Missile Test

    Lockheed Martin has conducted a new flight test of the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile‘s surface-launch variant with the MK 41 vertical launch system aboard the U.S. Navy‘s Self Defense Test Ship. The company said Thursday the surface-launched LRASM worked to load mission data through the modified Tactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System, align mission data with the moving ship and launch from […] More

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    ATC Materials to Build Missiles Transport Protection System for MDA

    ATC Materials has received a $12.5 million contract from the Missile Defense Agency to produce an armor technology intended to shield the Standard Missile and Mk 41 vertical launch systems from impact threats during shipment. The Transportation Protection System will be built to protect the MK 41 and extended-range SM munitions against bullet or warhead fragment impact, ATC said Tuesday. ATC President […] More