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    NOAA’s Tahara Dawkins: Satellite Servicing Industry Needs Govt Support

    Tahara Dawkins, director of the commercial remote sensing regulatory affairs office at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has said she believes government regulators should help in-orbit satellite servicing systems reach commercial viability, C4ISRNET reported Friday. “If we restrict this industry to a place where they’re not commercially viable, then this gets driven overseas,” Dawkins said at […] More

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    Orbital ATK Unveils In-Space Robotic Vehicle, Mission Extension Pods

    Orbital ATK unveiled two in-orbit satellite servicing platforms at the Satellite 2018 conference and exhibition. The company said Tuesday the Mission Robotic Vehicle and Mission Extension Pods comprise a system designed to facilitate repairs and extend the life of satellite assets. MRV works to carry out space robotic functions and install MEPs and other payloads on […] More