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    General Dynamics to Produce Missile Fire Control System Equipment for 2 Int’l Clients

    General Dynamics has been awarded a $40.8 million contract modification by the U.S. Navy to supply two foreign countries with missile fire control system equipment and engineering services. The Defense Department said Tuesday the modification combines purchases from South Korea and Japan under separate foreign military sales deals with the U.S. government. General Dynamics’ ordinance and tactical systems business will produce MK 82 director […] More

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    Navy Orders Raytheon Missile Fire Control System Equipment Shipsets

    Raytheon has landed a $37.3 million modification from the U.S. Navy to exercise an option on a previously awarded contract for the supply of missile fire control system equipment ship sets. The Defense Department said Monday that Raytheon’s integrated defense systems business will produce two MFCS MK 99 equipment ship sets to help address the military branch’s Aegis Weapon […] More