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    Cubic to Support Australian Navy’s Simulated Training Activities

    Cubic‘s global defense business has received a potential four-year, $7.11 million contract to develop and deliver simulation-enabled training events for the Australian navy. The company said Monday it will provide simulation planning and technical support services as well as professional interactors to support multisite synthetic training at the Australian navy’s synthetic warfighting center. The center is […] More

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    Cubic Provides Air Combat Training Systems for Australia’s Hawk 127 Fleet Modernization

    Cubic‘s global defense segment has delivered more than 60 combat training systems along with air combat maneuvering instrumentation pods to help modernize the Australian air force’s Hawk 127 aircraft fleet. The company said Thursday its P5CTS and ACMI platforms have live monitor functions and debriefing terminals designed for the service branch’s Lead-In Fighter Capability Assurance Program. Miles Macdonald, general […] More