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  • DARPA Picks 14 Companies for 10-Year Lunar Architecture Capability Study
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    DARPA Picks 14 Companies for 10-Year Lunar Architecture Capability Study

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has selected 14 companies for a seven-month capability study that seeks to develop technology concepts to advance an integrated, multiservice commercial lunar infrastructure. Under the 10-Year Lunar Architecture Capability Study, the companies will collaborate to design systems-level platforms spanning multiple lunar services, including lunar power; communications, navigation and timing; mining and commercial in-situ resource utilization; construction and robotics; and transit, mobility and logistics, DARPA said Tuesday.


  • DARPA Seeks to Address Commercial Lunar Infrastructure Interoperability Gaps Through LOGIC Consortium
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    DARPA Seeks to Address Commercial Lunar Infrastructure Interoperability Gaps Through LOGIC Consortium

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency will bring together government, industry, academia and international stakeholders through the Lunar Guidelines for Infrastructure Consortium to facilitate technical discussions and develop interoperability standards for commercial lunar infrastructure and related technologies. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory will oversee LOGIC to help establish an independent, permanent forum that will serve as a venue for various stakeholders to collaborate in support of the lunar community.


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    DARPA Seeks Space Superiority Tech Concepts Under BRIDGES Initiative

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has started soliciting concepts that could be developed into new technologies to enable warfighters to defend and protect space systems from adversaries as part of the space superiority topic of DARPA’s Bringing Classified Innovation to Defense and Government Systems program. Interested offerors for the space superiority technical domain may […] More