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    Boeing Hands MexSat Satellite Communications System to Mexico

    Boeing has completed the final tests on its MexSat satellite communications platform that works to provide voice and data services across Mexico and has delivered the system to the country’s communications and transportation ministry. MexSat features 3G+ voice and data connectivity for land, air and sea mobile terminals in support of Mexico’s national security, civil and humanitarian programs, […] More

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    Boeing-Lockheed JV Carries Out 100th Launch

    A United Launch Alliance-built rocket launched early Friday morning to mark the 100th mission carried out by the joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin, reported Friday. An Atlas V rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida to carry the Morelos-3 communications satellite into space, William Graham writes. The Atlas V contains an RL10 engine-powered Centaur upper stage, […] More

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    Boeing, Orbital Finish Last 2 Satellites for Mexico; Ron Dukat Comments

    Boeing and Orbital Sciences Corp. have finished building three satellites that will be used to support police, military and emergency services in Mexico as part of the Mexsat project, the Orange County Register reported Monday. William D’Urso writes Boeing has completed two 702HP geomobile satellites named Centenario and Morelos-3, while subcontractor Orbital made one GEOStar-2 satellite named Bicentenario for […] More

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    Boeing Completes 2nd High-Power Satellite for Mexican Government; Craig Cooning Comments

    Boeing has completed their second Mexsat 720HP geomobile satellite for the Mexican government, Boeing said Monday. The satellite is named Morelos 3 and will be joining the first that was completed November 2013, Centenario, in storage awaiting launch. Boeing, working with The Mexican Ministry of Communications and Transportation, is now closer to their goal of […] More

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    Boeing Completes First Geomobile Satellite for Intl Customer; Craig Cooning Comments

    Boeing Co. has finished the first of two high power satellites for Mexico’s communications system. The Centenario geomobile satellite is built to enhance Mexico’s Mexsat social communications for public, military, civil and humanitarian needs, Boeing said Tuesday. Craig Cooning, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems and CEO of Boeing Satellite […] More