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    Navy Plans New USV Design Initiative for Fiscal 2019

    The U.S. Navy plans to design a new unmanned surface vehicle that will build on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency‘s Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel program, Inside Defense reported Monday. The service branch has requested $2.8 million to produce a medium displacement USV concept beginning in fiscal 2019’s first quarter and conduct an analysis of alternatives starting in […] More

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    DARPA Transfers Unmanned Anti-Submarine Vessel Prototype to Navy

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has transitioned a prototype of an unmanned anti-submarine warfare vessel to the Office of Naval Research for further development. DARPA said Tuesday the Sea Hunter vessel was developed under the Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel program to serve as the first unit of a potential new class of unmanned maritime vessels. ACTUV will […] More