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    SBA’s Mark Walsh to Lead Fireside Chat at April CONNECTpreneur Forum

    Mark Walsh, a top official at the Small Business Administration, will lead a fireside chat session with corporate executives and venture capitalists at the Big Idea CONNECTpreneur XVIII Forum April 28 at the Bethesda, Maryland-based Hyatt Regency. Walsh joined SBA in late 2015 as associate administrator of the office of investment and innovation, an agency component responsible for initiatives […] More

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    ICF International Chairman & CEO Sudhakar Kesavan to Headline CONNECTpreneur Spring Forum

    Sudhakar Kesavan, chairman & CEO of ICF International (NASDAQ:ICFI), will conduct a fireside conversation with company founders, executives and venture capitalists at the Spring Forum ’16  on March 1, 2016 at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park, VA. The forum will also host a company showcase featuring CyberRx, Deven Software, DisposeRx, LifeFuels, Ostendio, Progow Corp, Skreens, SnipMe Inc., […] More