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    Brett Lambert Joins Northrop as Corporate Strategy VP; Mark Caylor Comments

    Brett Lambert, formerly an executive-in-residence at Renaissance Strategic Advisors, has joined Northrop Grumman as vice president of corporate strategy. He will report to Mark Caylor, corporate vice president, president of enterprise services and chief strategy officer, Northrop said Tuesday. In his new role, Lambert will oversee the company’s development and implementation of corporate and business focus […] More

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    Northrop Hands 24th ‘World Class Team’ Awards; Mark Caylor Comments

    Northrop Grumman has recognized its global suppliers for their contribution to the company’s programs with clients. The company began to review its suppliers in the summer based on their product, service, performance, program support and record, Northrop said Thursday. Mark Caylor, corporate vice president and president of enterprise shared services at Northrop, said the awardees demonstrated business support and contributions to the company’s products […] More