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    Lockheed-Northrop-Comtech Team Integrates New Terminal With AEHF Payload

    A team comprised of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Comtech Telecommunications has integrated and tested a new terminal platform with an engineering model of the Advanced Extremely High Frequency payload. The Lockheed-Northrop-Comtech team developed the Low Cost Terminal in a push to address a demand for terminals that can offer mobile access to the AEHF military satellite communications network’s […] More

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    Air Force Sec. Deborah Lee James, Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves Visit Northrop Space Park Facility; Tom Vice Comments

    U.S. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James and Space and Missile Systems Center Commander Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves visited Northrop Grumman‘s Space Park facility in California to observe manufacturing and research and development operations. Northrop said Thursday the Air Force officials received briefings on the company’s work for the service’s Low Cost Terminal, Advanced Extremely High Frequency System and Global Positioning […] More

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    Northrop-Lockheed-TCS Team Completes IA Critical Design Review on AEHF Terminal

    The Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and TeleCommunication Systems industry team is near hardware and software production for the Low Cost Terminal program after completing the critical design review on the terminal’s information assurance element. Northrop said Wednesday the review focused on the terminal’s protected communications function and used a payload engineering model of the Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite to test […] More

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    Northrop to Unveil New SATCOM Terminals

    Northrop Grumman will introduce new protected terminals for satellite communications that the company built to help the U.S. military protect warfighters. The company will unveil three variants of the terminals at the MILCOM 2014 conference between Oct. 6 and 8 at the Baltimore Convention Center, Northrop Grumman said Monday. Northrop is scheduled to demonstrate the terminals in 2015 and the systems are intended to go […] More