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    Lockheed Named a Sponsor for Digital By Default’s eServices List

    Lockheed Martin is sponsoring Digital by Default News’s list of 100 companies, people and products that change and impact electronic services. The Digital Leaders 100’s industry category will recognize the companies that have developed or deployed eServices for the public sector by using technology that has a “transformational impact,” Digital by Default News UK announced Friday. […] More

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    Lockheed to Start Asteroid Explorer Spacecraft Construction; Rich Kuhns Comments

    Lockheed Martin will start building a spacecraft that NASA will use to collect particles from a near-Earth asteroid and return those samples to the planet for analysis. An independent review panel has validated Lockheed’s design plan for the spacecraft, instruments and ground system under NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer program, Lockheed said […] More

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    Ray O. Johnson: Lockheed to Back Aerospace R&D Projects at Korean Universities

    Lockheed Martin will establish an investment fund in Korea to help local universities research and develop aviation and spaceflight technologies, Korea Times reported Thursday. Park Ji-won writes that Lockheed has launched an open science and technology competition and is accepting R&D proposals in nanotechnology and renewable energy generation for aerospace applications. “Through direct investment and […] More

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    Lockheed Honors Employees with President’s Volunteer Service Awards

    Lockheed Martin is celebrating National Volunteer Week by presenting President Obama’s 2013 President’s Volunteer Service Awards to more than 2,900 employees. Employees who received the award have volunteered for more than 100 hours of service in a 12-month period, the company announced Thursday. For 2013, Lockheed Martin PVSA recipients have logged in a total of […] More

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    Jeff Vanden Beukel: Lockheed-Univ. of Arizona Team to Test Webb Telescope Imaging Tech

    Lockheed Martin and the University of Arizona have handed over to NASA an imaging instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope ahead of a deep space research in 2018. The near infrared camera technology has been integrated into the telescope’s integrated science instrument module to function as the primary imaging component, Lockheed said Wednesday. Marcia Rieke, […] More

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    Lockheed, Conrad Foundation Name Winners of Innovation Summit

    The Conrad Foundation has announced the winners of its 2014 Innovation Summit, which was presented by Lockheed Martin. The four teams of highschool students who won, showcased their work in the aerospace and aviation, cybertechnology and security, energy and environment and health and nutrition categories, winning a total of $47,500 in awards, The Conrad Foundation […] More

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    Lockheed Tests Orion Avionics Systems; Cleon Lacefield Comments

    Lockheed Martin has completed a series of tests on the Orion spacecraft’s avionics system, which is built to activate and send commands to at least 20 systems on the crew module during flight and re-entry. The company Orion’s thermal control, guidance and navigation, environmental control life support and other systems and analyzed the command signal, system responses […] More

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    Lockheed, Neya Systems to Integrate C2 Tech for Cargo-Delivery Drones; Jeffrey Poulin Comments

    Lockheed Martin will partner with Neya Systems to integrate a mission planning and management system with a military unmanned aerial vehicle that carries out casualty evacuation and cargo resupply missions in Afghanistan. Neya Systems said Monday the companies will install VERTI on the K-MAX delivery drone as part of a Phase III Small Business Innovation Research program. Dr. Jeffrey Poulin, a […] More

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    Future Lockheed Navy Tech Center to Focus on Human-Machine Interfaces

    Lockheed Martin‘s mission systems and training unit will open a new facility later this year in Moorestown, N.J. to develop surface warfare combat systems, Seapower Magazine reported Friday.  Richard Burgess writes that Lockheed intends to focus on human-machine interfaces at the $3.5 million Surface Navy Innovation Center. Jim Sheridan, director of Aegis U.S. programs at […] More

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    Lockheed, Energy Coalition to Host Efficiency Competition

    Lockheed Martin and the Alliance to Save Energy have launched a competition for students and educators in Maryland to come up with ideas on how to be more energy efficient. The PowerSavers Challenge will have middle and high school students design an energy savings plan with a video or pledge campaign, Lockheed Martin announced Friday. […] More