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    Matt Desch: Iridium Releases Positioning, Navigation & Timing Tech Offering

    Iridium Communications has introduced a technology platform the company designed to help users access satellite-based positioning, navigation and timing data in locations where GPS services are limited or unavailable. The Satellite Time and Location system will work to verify GPS, Galileo and Glonass navigation signals when deployed through Iridium’s constellation of cross-linked satellites in low-Earth orbit, the company said Monday. Matt Desch, Iridium CEO, […] More

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    Esri, Harris Form Federal GEOINT Data Production Partnership

    Esri has partnered with Harris Corp. to develop new methods for the production of geospatial intelligence data within a web-based geographic information system in an effort to help federal agencies update their processes and outcomes. The companies seek to help agencies build new applications and tools through digital transformation initiatives and location-based technology, Esri said Tuesday. Esri’s WebGIS is a network designed to […] More