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    DARPA, Consortium Pick 6 University Research Centers for $200M Microelectronics Tech Devt Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and an industry consortium have selected six university research centers to conduct research efforts that seek to address challenges related to microelectronic technologies under a potential five-year, $200 million cost-sharing program. Linton Salmon, manager of DARPA’s Joint University Microelectronics Program, said in a statement published Wednesday JUMP and the […] More

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    University of Michigan Gets DARPA Grant to Develop “Unhackable” Computer Tech

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded a $3.6 million grant to a team led by the University of Michigan to develop a computer technology that would avoid cyber hacks. U-M said Tuesday the Morpheus project will utilize a new hardware design that works to rapidly transmit and destroy information as well as prevent unauthorized access to […] More

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    DARPA to Brief Proposers on Hardware Security Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency seeks industry expertise to address security vulnerabilities in electronic hardware and plans to hold an event in Arlington, Virginia, to discuss the project with interested companies. DARPA said Monday its System Security Integrated Through Hardware and Firmware program aims to mitigate seven classes of hardware vulnerabilities listed on the Mitre-administered Common Weakness Enumeration website. Those classes are permissions […] More