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    Lockheed Develops System to Link Air, Ground & Maritime Intelligence

    Lockheed Martin has created an enterprise system designed to help military customers obtain intelligence from ground, sea, air and space platforms. DIAMONDShield employs an automated process that will allow users to analyze adversarial intent, use multidomain data in tactical decision-making and assign engagement tasks to theater operations, Lockheed said Tuesday. The system works to receive information from external sources […] More

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    DRS Wins Data Terminal Set Development Contract From Navy

    A DRS Technologies subsidiary has won a potential $22 million contract to develop and produce Link 11 and Link 22 data terminal sets for the U.S. Navy. The Defense Department said Friday DRS Advanced ISR will also help the military service integrate, test and sustain Link 11 data terminal and Link 22 signal processing controller system for the branch’s command-and-control processor […] More