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    Lexmark Unveils Self-Service Documentation Kiosk for Govt Agencies

    Imaging systems vendor Lexmark has rolled out a kiosk offering designed to help government agencies provide documentation assistance to citizens. MFP Kiosk is a self-service platform that guides citizens through paperwork and documentation processes, Lexmark said Wednesday. The company incorporated its “smart” multifunction tools and an intuitive touchscreen interface into the kiosk system. “The slow, manual processes associated with […] More

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    Executive Profile: Mark Guthrie, Lexmark Government Solutions VP

    Mark Guthrie serves as vice president of Lexmark Government Solutions. Since January 2010 he has led the organization responsible for delivering offerings and services intended to help federal government personnel around the world achieve mission objectives.  Prior to his current role, Guthrie led Lexmark’s federal solutions team as its director for eight years. He was also […] More