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    L-3 NSS Wins Partner of the Year Award from Prairie View A&M University; Les Rose Comments

    L-3 National Security Solutions has won the Prairie View A&M University’s corporate partner of the year award for the company’s software simulation training program for the Texas-based university’s students and faculty. NASA and L-3 jointly developed the program with the goal of supporting human space flight missions, L-3 said Wednesday. “This program allows us to […] More

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    L-3 NSS Gets DoD Mentorship Award for Cyberspace Solutions Partnership; Les Rose Comments

    L-3 Communications‘ national security solutions division has received the Defense Department‘s 2014 Nunn-Perry Award for its one-year mentorship of small business partner Cyberspace Solutions under DoD’s mentor-protege program. L-3 NSS said Friday it worked with Cyberspace Solutions from September 2013 to September 2014 on recruitment and organizational and technical functions to drive sales growth. “We strongly believe in developing strategic agreements […] More

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    L-3 to Host Cloud-Based Cyber Training, Certification Program; Les Rose Comments

    L-3 Communications will host an international cybersecurity training and certification program on a company-operated, private cloud computing environment environment that will include introductory cyber defense practices, strategies and plans. The company’s national security solutions business will work with the Cyber Security Forum Initiative to carry out the program, L-3 said Tuesday. Paul de Souza, president […] More

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    Michael Strianese: L-3 Reorganizes Business Segments in Sales, Tech Push

    L-3 Communications has reorganized the company’s business segments in a move that Chairman and CEO Michael Strianese called an effort to further the company’s technology and sales push. John McNellis has been named president of the new aerospace systems segment that combines the former platform and logistics segment and the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems […] More