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    Boeing, Oerlikon Form Titanium Additive Manufacturing Partnership

    Boeing and Switzerland-based technology and engineering firm Oerlikon have agreed to collaborate on the development of standard metal-based 3D printing processes and materials. The companies will use the data from their collaboration to help additive manufacturing companies qualify their 3D-printed metallic components for aerospace applications under a five-year agreement, Boeing said Tuesday. “This agreement is […] More

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    ORNL’s Trim & Drill Tool for Boeing Sets Guinness World Record for Largest 3D-Printed Item

    A trim-and-drill tool created by researchers at the Energy Department‘s Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Boeing has set a new Guinness World Record as the largest solid three-dimensionally printed item. ORNL said Monday the laboratory worked over 30 hours to print the tool that is 17.5 feet long, 5.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet tall with a weight of approximately 1,650 pounds. Boeing will use the trim […] More