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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Wins Defense Industry Award; Warren Boley Jr. Comments

    A team of Aerojet Rocketdyne employees, U.S. Air Force service members and Lawrence Livermore National Labs employees have won a defense industry award from the Precision Strike Association. The PSA’s William J. Perry Award recognized the team’s work on the BLU-129/B Precision Lethality MK-82 munition for the Air Force, the GenCorp subsidiary announced Tuesday. The […] More

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    Battelle, GE Develop Battery Mgmt Systems Under DOE-Backed Program

    The Energy Department has offered grants to help several technology organizations develop software products, sensors and predictive algorithms for managing the performance of lithium-ion batteries, Gigacom reported Wednesday. Katie Fehrenbacher writes Battelle designed an optical sensor that aims to detect internal battery faults, while General Electric built a miniaturized system to monitor battery pressure and […] More