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    United Technologies Subsidiary Releases New UAS Payload System

    A United Technologies subsidiary has released a new optical and laser designation payload system designed for use with small and mid-sized unmanned aerial systems. During the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference, UTC Aerospace Systems launched the 10.6-pound TASE400 LD which uses NATO-compliant laser designator technology, UTC said Monday. Laser designator technology provides mid-wave infrared imaging to support situational awareness for both day […] More

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    Lockheed Tests Turret Sensor System on UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter

    Lockheed Martin has tested a new sensor system onboard a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter to check the product’s capacity to detect and track targets using an airborne platform. Lockheed said Tuesday the 15-inch Infirno turret sensor system completed at least eight flight test hours to demonstrate line-of-sight stability and image quality. The company noted that it developed Infirno with internal investment. Infirno supports ground, airborne and maritime […] More

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    Raytheon Updates Bradley Commander’s Primary Sight; Duane Gooden Comments

    Raytheon has upgraded the company’s integrated electro/optic system offering with new features such as dual-band thermal imager and a high-definition color camera. The third-generation Commander’s Primary Sight also incorporates laser range finder, laser designator, visible and infrared laser pointers and line-of-sight director, Raytheon said Tuesday. Duane Gooden, vice president of Raytheon’s land warfare systems product line, […] More