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    Kratos Helps Navy Test Air & Missile Defense Radar Against Ballistic Missile Target

    Kratos Defense & Security Solutions has provided a live ballistic missile target for the U.S. Navy‘s test of an air and missile defense radar on July 27. The Raytheon-made AN/SPY-6(V) radar worked to acquire and track Kratos’ medium range ballistic missile target that was launched from the Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii, Kratos said Monday. […] More

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    Kratos to Produce Aerial Target Systems Under Navy Contract Modification

    The U.S. Navy has awarded Kratos Defense & Security Solutions a $34.6 million contract modification for the low-rate initial production of subsonic aerial target drone systems. Kratos said Wednesday the fiscal 2017 LRIP is the first annual production order for the BQM-177A drone system. The company also secured a $2.5 million contractor logistics support contract […] More

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    Kratos Subsidiary Modifies T-72 Tank to Operate Unmanned

    A subsidiary of Kratos Defense & Security Solutions has installed a remote control kit into a T-72 tank to support unmanned operations. Kratos said Thursday its Micro Systems business converted a T-72 to be controlled by the Army Ground Aerial Target Control System as part of an effort to help the U.S. Army meet its tank target requirement. AGATCS is a […] More

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    Kratos to Provide Technical Support, Missile Components Under Army FMS Contract

    The U.S. Army‘s Aviation and Missile Command has awarded a business unit of Kratos Defense & Security Solutions a three-year, $23.4 million firm-fixed-price contract to provide technical and engineering support services to a foreign military sales customer. Kratos said Thursday its defense and rocket support services division’s Madison Research Corporation business unit will also deliver Class V short-range missile […] More

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    Air Force Picks Applied Defense Solutions Team for Space Data Contract; Tom Kubancik Comments

    Applied Defense Solutions will collaborate with Lockheed Martin, Pacific Defense Solutions and Kratos Defense & Security Solutions subsidiary RT Logic to supply space surveillance data to the U.S. Air Force under a contract awarded Oct. 19, Space News reported Monday. Phillip Swarts writes the industry team will provide commercially sourced space situational awareness data to the Joint Interagency Combined […] More

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    Kratos’ RT Logic Subsidiary Hosts Cyber Event for Military, Industry, Academia

    A Kratos Defense & Security Solutions subsidiary has started to host an event that aims to create a cyberspace training model that will help meet changes in cyberspace operations, threats and weapons development. RT Logic will host the “21st Century Cyber Training” event at its Colorado Springs-based headquarters through Nov. 4 to gather best practices among the military, private […] More

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    Kratos, Safran Subsidiaries to Provide Target Drone Launchers to US Army

    A team comprising subsidiaries of Kratos Defense & Security Solutions and Safran Electronics & Defense has been awarded a prime contract to provide unmanned aerial vehicle launcher systems to the U.S. Army. The Madison Research Corp.–Robonic team will deliver two KONTIO launchers to the Army’s Program Management Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Targets Management Office under the contract, Kratos said Wednesday. The service branch […] More

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    Kratos to Help Update Pentagon’s Theater Medical Records System

    The Defense Department‘s Joint Operational Medicine Information Systems organization has awarded Kratos Defense & Security Solutions a $23 million contract to provide integration services for a multiservice theater and shipboard medical records system. Kratos will collaborate with Planned Systems International to modernize and maintain the Theater Medical Information Program-Joint infrastructure, Kratos said Friday. The two companies will also update information technology […] More

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    Space Agency Orders Kratos Satellite Tracking Modems

    Kratos Defense & Security Solutions has been awarded a contract by South Asia-based space agency to provide telemetry, tracking and command modems for the customer’s satellite ground infrastructure. Kratos subsidiary RT Logic will produce integrated TT&C baseband modems for the customer agency to manage operation of its new and existing satellites, the company said Monday. RT Logic’s technology is designed with […] More

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    Kratos to Deliver 21 Unmanned Aerial Target Systems Under Air Force Contract

    Kratos Defense & Security Solutions subsidiary Composite Engineering Inc. was awarded $18.7 million for the Lot 12 option of the Air Force Subscale Aerial Target contract. The company said Tuesday CEi will provide 21 additional AFSAT aircraft with associated warranty as part of Lot 12. The target aircraft systems serve as enemy threat surrogates that could simulate the performance characteristics of […] More

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    Kratos Subsidiary Gets Engineering Contract Modifications for Army Ground Aerial Target Control System

    The U.S. Army has awarded $2 million in contract modifications to a Kratos Defense & Security Solutions subsidiary for additional hardware production and engineering support services. Micro Systems will work to support the Army Ground Aerial Target Control System, target vehicle control tools and related ancillary equipment, Kratos said Monday. AGATCS is a program under the Army’s […] More

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    Kratos Subsidiary to Provide Spares, Logistics Support for AF Subscale Aerial Target System

    A Kratos Defense & Security Solutions subsidiary has received a potential six-year, $37 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to supply spares for the Kratos-built BQM-167A Air Force Subscale Aerial Target system. Composite Engineering will also provide repairs and logistics support services for the AFSAT platform during operations at a test and training range in Utah and Tyndall […] More