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    DoD Puts SafeNet Encryption Tech on Approved Products List

    The Defense Department has certified SafeNet Assured Technologies‘ encryption technology designed to secure data across an Ethernet network. SafeNet said Wednesday its CN9000 series of encryptors can be found on the DoD Information Network Approved Products List under the fixed network element category. The approval signifies that the technology has met the department’s interoperability and information assurance requirements. Kirk Spring, president of SafeNet, […] More

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    SafeNet Assured Technologies Unveils Cryptographic Key Mgmt Tool for Govt Customers

    SafeNet Assured Technologies has launched a technology platform intended to help U.S. government customers manage cryptographic keys in physical, virtual or public cloud environments. The data security company said Monday its KeySecure for Government platform works to consolidate cryptographic keys from multiple third-party encryption platforms. “Encrypted data is only as secure as the system managing the cryptographic keys generated by the encryption process,” said […] More