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    Seagate, Fornetix Integrate Hard Drive, Data Encryption Offerings

    Seagate Technology has integrated its hard disk and solid state drive products with Fornetix‘s encryption key management software and service offerings in an effort to help federal customers secure data against cyber threats. The integrated offering combines Seagate-built drives that comply with Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140-2 and the Key Orchestration platform Fornetix designed to help users manage the digital keys […] More

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    Fornetix, Semper Fortis Unveil Combined System Integration, Encryption Key Mgmt Tools

    Fornetix and Semper Fortis Solutions have launched new extensions of an encryption key management platform and systems integration designed to secure government, commercial and military communications and data networks from cyber threats. Semper Fortis combined its systems integration capability with Fornetix’s Key Orchestration offerings under a reseller agreement, Fornetix said Wednesday. Fornetix’s Key Orchestration is a […] More