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    PAE Joins Consortium to Help Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction; John Heller Comments

    PAE has joined a consortium of companies, nonprofit organizations and academic institutions with the goal to develop technology platforms designed to counter weapons of mass destruction. John Heller, PAE CEO, said in a statement published Thursday the company seeks to collaborate with providers and gain access to new technologies as a member of the  Countering Weapons of […] More

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    Noblis to Support DoD Chemical, Biological Defense Efforts Under $8B IDIQ; Jordin Cohen Comments

    A Noblis subsidiary holds a spot on a potential $8 billion contract vehicle for support services to the Defense Department‘s Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense. The company said Thursday Noblis ESI aims to provide technology, subject matter experts and experience-based insight to help JPEO-CBD manage investments in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense platforms through […] More

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    Tauri Group to Support Medical Initiatives Under DoD’s Chemical & Biological Defense Program

    Tauri Group has received a pair of task orders to provide support services for the medical domain of a Defense Department program that seeks to help U.S. warfighters counter chemical and biological threats. The company said Monday it will provide bioengineering and scientific expertise to DoD’s Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense under the […] More

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    Engility to Support DoD’s CBRNE Defense Efforts Under $8.3B Contract Vehicle

    Engility will assist in the Defense Department‘s research and development activities on defense systems against chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives through the company’s position on a potential $8.3 billion contract vehicle. The company said Wednesday it landed a spot on the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense’s Joint Enterprise Research, Development, Acquisition […] More

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    HII Division Lands Chem-Bio Defense Acquisition Technical Support Contract

    A Huntington Ingalls Industries division has received a contract to continue to provide acquisition technical support services to the Defense Department’s joint program executive office for chemical and biological defense. HII’s technical solutions division secured four procurement technical support task orders under JPEO-CBD’s Omnibus Program, Engineering and Technical Support indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract, HII said Tuesday. HII Technical […] More

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    DSA Secures Navy Information Assurance Task Order; Fran Pierce Comments

    Data Systems Analysts has received a task order from the U.S. Navy to provide information assurance expertise to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare Protection and Oversight Directorate. DSA said Monday it will support research and analysis of strategies to detect, mitigate and deter threats to the military branch’s cybersecurity architectures on land and at sea. “We […] More

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    Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Army Partner for Omadacycline Biodefense Studies

    Paratek Pharmaceuticals has partnered with the U.S. Army to conduct research on the efficiency of omadacycline treatments against pathogenic agents under a cooperative research-and-development agreement. The studies will work to determine if omadacycline can help treat biodefense pathogens such as Yersinia Pestis and Bacillus Anthracis, Paratek said Tuesday. The company will provide omadacycline and technical expertise in support of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of […] More

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    DoD to Use Battelle Biological Threat ID Tech in South Korea; Matt Shaw Comments

    The Defense Department has tapped Battelle to deploy the company’s bioaerosol threat identification technology in South Korea to help protect warfighters and civilians from biological threats. DoD will use Battelle’s Resource Effective Bio-Identification System tool to support a biological surveillance mission under the Joint United States Forces Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition program, the […] More

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    Army Picks Battelle to Develop Vaccines for Biological, Chemical Threats Under $59M Contract

    Battelle has received a potential five-year, $59 million contract from the U.S. Army to conduct research and develop therapeutics and vaccines for chemical and biological threats. The Army’s joint program executive office for chemical and biological defense awarded the contract through the General Services Administration‘s One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services contract vehicle, Battelle said Monday. Battelle […] More