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    Boeing Upgrades Weapons Launcher of Six Air Force B-52s

    Boeing has equipped six B-52 bomber planes of the U.S. Air Force with new internal weapons bay launchers designed for storage and release of GPS-guided airborne munitions. The company said Wednesday it modified the aircraft’s common strategic rotary launcher into a conventional rotary launcher and the upgrade allows the company-built aircraft to carry and launch up to […] More

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    State Dept Clears $70M Boeing Munitions Tail Kit FMS Deal With Turkey

    The State Department has approved Turkey’s request to buy Joint Direct Attack Munitions tail kits and related components from the U.S. under a potential $70 million foreign military sales agreement. Boeing will act as the principal contractor for the sale that covers JDAM GBU-31(V)1, GBU-31(V)3, GBU-38, GBU-54 JDAM laser kits, FMU-152A/B fuzes and BLU-109 hard target […] More