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    Decision Lens Obtains FedRAMP Certification for Cloud-Based Software; John Kealey Comments

    Decision Lens has received agency authorization under the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program for its cloud-based software. The company said Wednesday it obtained the FedRAMP certification through sponsorship from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Decision Lens’ Software-as-a-Service platform is deployed in a public cloud environment and works to help government and commercial clients analyze, prioritize […] More

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    VA Picks Decision Lens Software for Program Alignment Work

    The Department of Veterans Affairs will deploy resource and program management and planning software from Decision Lens as part of an agency-wide initiative to realign its priorities. The cloud-based analytics tool is designed to aid enterprise decision-makers on budget allocations, changes to the information technology portfolio and workforce planning, Decision Lens said Thursday. It also identified research and development and source […] More