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    Army Seeks White Papers on Counter-sUAS Technologies

    The U.S. Army is soliciting white papers from vendors to determine industry interest in demonstrating fixed or mobile capabilities that can counter threats posed by Group 3 small unmanned aircraft systems. Interested stakeholders should only submit white papers if their proposed systems are ready for testing by May 2023, according to a project announcement published […] More

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    BlueHalo Delivers Laser Weapon Tech to Army P-HEL Program; Jonathan Moneymaker Quoted

    BlueHalo has announced the delivery of its laser weapon platform, LOCUST, to the U.S. Army for integration into the service’s Palletized High Energy Laser system. The P-HEL program launched by the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office seeks to address the increasing threat posed by small unmanned aircraft systems through the development of counter-sUAS […] More