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    Battelle’s Jason Black Outlines Best Practices for Grid Security

    Jason Black, research lead of Battelle’s energy systems business, has urged utilities to go beyond the minimum grid security requirements outlined by North American Electric Reliability Corp. in a piece for Intelligent Utility published Thursday. He says utilities must factor in all potential risks such as equipment failure, weather-related disaster and man-made threats when developing a complete physical security plan. Each utility […] More

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    Battelle Releases Latest Grid Transmission Simulation, Analysis Tool; Jason Black Comments

    Battelle has launched the latest version of its HELM Flow software to help grid transmission modelers and planners at utility companies manage transmission networks and response to grid problems. “When planning transmission on the grid, the small subset of about 5 percent of the problems cause the biggest headaches,” Jason Black, grid team research leader at Battelle, said Tuesday. […] More