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    Slovakia Considers Fighting Falcon, Gripen for MiG-29 Fighter Aircraft Replacement

    Slovakia’s defense ministry has announced it is examining Lockheed Martin‘s F-16 Fighting Falcon and Saab‘s JAS-39 Gripen as two options to replace the current MiG-29 fighter aircraft platform of the Slovak military. The ministry said Friday it aims to complete an analysis of both U.S. and Swedish aircraft offerings for submission to the Slovak government by June 29. Slovak Defense Minister Peter Gajdos […] More

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    Saab and Armscor to Support South African Air Force Gripen Weapon Systems

    Saab and Armscor have received a $23 million contract to deliver support services for the South African air force’s JAS 39 Gripen aircraft weapon systems. The support contract entails airworthiness management, engineering support, maintenance, repair, spare parts delivery and technical document update services, Saab said Friday. The companies will perform work through a period from November 2017 to February 2020. The […] More