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    General Atomics Employs iSCWO System in PFAS-Contaminated Landfill Leachate

    General Atomics‘ electromagnetic systems business unit has demonstrated the capability of its industrial supercritical water oxidation system to eliminate per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances-contaminated leachate from a municipal landfill. The iSCWO system is being tested at GA-EMS’ facility in San Diego in collaboration with landfill operators to gather test data verifying the technology’s capability to eliminate PFAS […] More

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    EPA Validates General Atomics’ Novel Treatment for Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances; Scott Forney Quoted

    The Environmental Protection Agency verified the effectiveness of an industrial supercritical water oxidation system in destroying a potentially harmful class of chemical substances. General Atomics’ electromagnetic systems business said Monday its iSWCO process incinerated at least 99.99 percent of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances present in firefighting foam, and its findings were documented and affirmed by EPA. […] More