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    ATI to Head DARPA-Backed Consortium for Satellite Servicing Standards

    Advanced Technology International will lead a federal government-established group of satellite industry stakeholders from the public and private sectors that is intended to set the standards for satellite servicing. The Analytic Services subsidiary said Thursday that it will head the Consortium for Execution of Rendezvous and Servicing Operations as the prime contractor that the Defense Advanced Research Projects […] More

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    USC ISI Wins Air Force Contract to Support 3D Imaging Tech Devt

    The University of Southern California – Information Sciences Institute has won a $30.9 million contract to aid in the U.S. Air Force‘s efforts to develop technology development of non-destructive 3D imaging technology for integrated circuits. The Defense Department said Tuesday the contract covers support for the Ptychography-based Rapid Imaging of Nano-Structures with Multi-layer Assemblies effort. Work will […] More

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    DHS Taps USC Information Sciences Institute to Develop Internet Outage Detection Tool

    The University of Southern California’s information sciences institute has received a potential $800,000 contract from the Department of Homeland Security to research and develop new platforms that work to detect and report internet outages. The cybersecurity division under DHS’ science and technology directorate awarded the contract as part of the Internet Measurement and Attack Modeling project […] More